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Historical Center Pocket Park

Purchase & Sale Agreement

Update 8/17/2023: The Board of Directors approved a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Cambria Historical Society for the Center Street Pocket Park (2284 Center Street - APN: 013-264-021, the “Property”). The Cambria Historical Society requested that the District sell them the Property located at 2284 Center Street, also known as the Center Street Pocket Park (“Pocket Park”). The stated reason for wanting to acquire the Property is that the Cambria Historical Society wants to continue the development of the Cambria Historical District along Center Street, as originally conceived in the 1994 PROS Commission Study. Toward that end, they want to buy the Pocket Park from CCSD. After purchase, the plan is to move the Cambria Jail there to be an extension of the Historical District. The Pocket Park is near the original location of the Jail.

The Board declared the Property as surplus at its October 13, 2022, regular meeting, and directed staff to comply with the requirements of the Surplus Lands Act (Government Code Section 54220 et seq.), which governs the disposal of surplus property by public agencies in California, including special districts. Following the staff’s completion of that task, the attached Purchase and Sale Agreement was negotiated.

The Purchase and Sale Agreement includes the following relevant terms:

  • Historical Society will pay the sum of $5,000 to the District for the Pocket Park and will pay all closing costs associated with the sale.
  • There will be a deed restriction placed on the Property, which will prohibit the use of the Property for any purpose other than as an historic facility that is open to the public as the location for the historic Cambria Jail and as part of the Cambria Historical District along Center Street and ancillary uses to that purpose. In the event the restriction is violated, the Property shall revert back to the District.

Update 10/13/2022: The Board of Directors adopted Resolution 65-2022, declaring the Center Street Pocket Park (2284 Center Street - APN: 013-264-021, the “Property”) exempt surplus land, and directed staff to proceed to dispose of the Property pursuant to the Surplus Lands Act. The Cambria Historical Society (“Historical Society”) had previously offered to purchase the Property for $5,000. 


​In December 2008, the CCSD-owned pocket park in the East Village Historical Center of Cambria formally opened for public use. A drought-resistant demonstration garden and gazebo are part of the future park planning.

In December 2008, the CCSD-owned pocket park in the Historical Center was opened for public use. The property is next to the post office in the East Village and is part of the major renovation and restoration effort that has been underway for more than a decade in the Historical Center Area. This property was the site of a dilapidated CCSD Administrative office that was demolished in 2003 with funding from State Parks.

In 2008, the CCSD repaired the drainage pipes and the County repaved the sidewalk, making it ADA accessible.

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