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Wait List

The waiting list for new water and sewer hookups was established in 1986. The list was closed to new applications on December 31, 1990 in cooperation with the County's 1990 Growth Management Ordinance, which limited all new county wide growth to 2.3% annually. Due to concerns about Cambria's water availability, the County reduced Cambria's growth limit to 1% in 2000. The current growth rate set by the County for Cambria is 0%.

CCSD charges an annual waitlist administration fee of $88 per year, billed in July of each year to waitlisted parcel owners for the new fiscal year July 1 to June 31 annually. A $10 late fee will be assessed for late payments.

The current residential, commercial, and multi-family wait lists can be downloaded by clicking on the desired list below.

SFR Wait List by APN #SFR Wait List by Position #MFR Wait ListCommercial Waist List

For more information, please call the CCSD Utilities Department at (805) 927-6116 or e-mail us at


Waitlist Withdrawal Request Form

To withdraw from the wait list, please complete the above form and submit by e-mail to, by U.S. Mail to CCSD, P. O.  Box 65, Cambria, CA 93428, or to the District administrative office located at 1316 Tamsen St., Suite 201. There is a $27 fee for processing waitlist withdrawals unless they are completed and submitted with an application for assignment.

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