Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Safety & Etiquette Guidelines
The Fiscalini Ranch Preserve is open for everyone to enjoy year round from sunrise to sunset. To make visits safe and enjoyable, the Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve (FFRP) asks that visitors observe these safety and etiquette guidelines:
- All those uses normally prohibited by law in public places are not allowed.
- Smoking, fires, firearms, hunting, weapons of any kind, and camping are prohibited.
- Planting, cultivating, or harvesting of plants, including wildflowers and fungi, is prohibited.
- The harassment of wildlife is prohibited.
- All dogs must be on leash at all times (Chapter 7.16, Cambria Community Services District Municipal Code) and restrained from harassing wildlife and other visitors. Dog waste must be bagged and placed in trash receptacles, for the health of you, your dog and the Ranch’s inhabitants.
- Stay on designated trails, respecting sensitive habitat areas.
- Remote-controlled devices, e.g., drones and model aircraft, are prohibited, as are parasailing and hang gliding.
- Bicycles are allowed only on trails designated for their use. BICYCLE TRAILS MAP
- Motorized or fully-electric vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, or atvs are prohibited.
- Solicitation and posting of signs are prohibited.
- Only authorized vehicles are allowed on the Ranch.
- Equestrian use suspended for 2023.
- Special events, e.g., weddings, memorials, etc. for any group are suspected for 2023.