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PROS Committee Work 

PROS Committee Goals Report
Updated July 2024

In the CCSD Strategic Plan, adopted on August 11, 2022, in the Core Area of Facilities and Resources, the CCSD Strategic Goal is to:

Manage and provide stewardship of District assets, parks, recreation, and open space in a timely, cost-effective, and environmentally sensitive manner.  

The PROS Committee 2024 Goals, initially established during the December 5, 2023, PROS Committee Regular Meeting, with ongoing refinements based on Board direction, are aligned with this CCSD goal. 

During each Regular Meeting, the PROS Committee Vice Chair will update the PROS Goal Progress Report and post a PDF version here for visibility.  The Directly Responsible Individual listed in this report will take the lead on actions required to progress toward achievement of each Goal, and will report to the PROS Committee Vice Chair, describing progress, status, and actions taken.

CCSD PROS Goals Progress Report - July 2024


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