Request for Proposal
The Request for Proposal closed on 5/2/2024 at 12:00 p.m.

The Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) Fire Department is seeking proposals from contractors for CCSD’s annual Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP) for 2024.
CCSD has notified approximately two thousand (2,000) parcel owners to abate their property of dried grass and weeds, downed trees or slash. Those parcels that do not comply with the requirements are placed on the CCSD’s Contract list. Typically, between fifty (50) and one hundred fifty (150) parcels are placed on the CCSD’s contract list.
The contractor selected to abate the nuisance will be required to provide wildland and vegetation fuel removal services as specified in “2024 Cambria Fire Department Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Policy – Scope of Services” in accordance with the timeline described in “2024 FHFRP Schedule.” An RFP package with complete program details and contract requirements may be downloaded below or available for pick up at Cambria Fire Department, 2850 Burton Drive, Cambria, CA 93428.
2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Request for Proposal (RFP)2024 FHFRP Agreement & Exhibit AExhibit BExhibit CExhibit DExhibit EProposal Requirements
Contractors submitting proposals must complete and submit a Bid Proposal Form (Exhibit D) containing the following four (4) documents or it will not be considered:
- Completed copy of the Bid Proposal Form (Exhibit D)
- Provide either a or b as follows: a) A copy of Fire Wise Defensible Space Field Training certification with the proposal; or b) Ensure that the Cambria Fire Department has a copy of your certification(s) or an equivalent course on file before you submit your bid proposal.
- A signed cover letter as defined and stipulated in “Other Requirements” of the RFP; and
- A signed statement of qualifications and list of five (5) references, as stipulated in “Other Requirements” of the RFP.
Scope of Work
The contractor selected will be required to provide weed abatement services as specified in the attached Exhibit C, entitled “2024 Cambria Fire Department Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Policy – Scope of Services,” according to a schedule described in Exhibit B, “2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Schedule.”
Required Cost of Proposal, Qualifications, and Agreement
Contractors submitting proposals must complete and submit Exhibit D, entitled “2024 Cambria Fire Department Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Bid Proposal Form.” The required information is specified in the form and includes the following:
- Types of equipment to be used and the cost of each to the property owner, including operator costs.
- Move equipment onto a lot fee, as described in Exhibit D.
- Charges, per yard, for hauling away the debris.
- All equipment must be inspected by the Cambria Fire Department for required fire safety items and spark arrestors.
- Pictures shall be taken by the Contractor before and after each lot is abated (as directed by the Cambria Fire Department), logged with the lot abatement record and submitted to the Cambria Fire Department.
Other Requirements
- A dated cover letter, signed by a person fully authorized to act on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, must be submitted with the proposal. The letter must indicate that the CONTRACTOR agrees to be bound by the proposal without modifications, unless mutually agreed by the CONTRACTOR and CCSD.
- A statement of qualifications and a list of five (5) references must be provided, along with documentation demonstrating the CONTRACTOR’s ability to maintain accurate records.
- The selected CONTRACTOR will be required to sign the 2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Agreement with the CCSD and must provide proof of insurance coverage as indicated in Exhibit A, “Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public,” prior to commencing any work for the CCSD. The Cambria Community Services District, its officers, Board Members, managers’ and employees must be named as co-insured or additional insured.
- Work on all parcels that are placed on the Cambria Community Services District annual “Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program” shall adhere to the following criteria:
- All clearance work must be completed by July 15, 2024. If the parcel does not conform to the requirements as stated in the notice sent to the property owner, the parcel will go on the CCSD’s contract list on July 25, 2024. The CCSD’s Contractor will then be directed to abate the parcels on the contract list to the following standards:
- Limit leaves, needles, twigs, bark, cones, pods, and chips to three inches (3”) in depth.
- Weeds and annual grasses should not exceed four inches (4”) in height. Avoid exposing bare soil or creating a situation that would encourage erosion.
- Remove Scotch/Irish or other broom type plants, Pampas Grass, Jubata Grass and Crocosmia, also known as Fire Weed. Isolated specimens may be left with greater than ten feet (10’) separation and all dead materials are removed.
- All downed dead trees, tree rounds or limbs within thirty feet (30’) of any structure must be removed. Tree stumps fallen over shall be cut and retain no more than 6 feet (6’) of the log within this thirty-foot (30’) zone.
- All downed trees twelve inches (12”) in diameter or greater beyond thirty feet (30’) from any structure may remain on the parcel. However, the entire trunk must be completely on the ground. Materials less than twelve inches (12”) in diameter shall be cut and removed from the property.
- Remove ladder vegetation (dead wood) from under trees and shrubs, maintaining six feet (6’) of vertical clearance for trees greater than twenty feet (20’) in height.
- Remove combustible construction debris, trash and rubbish from property.
- Protect seedling pines, oaks and native shrubs by flagging them prior to cutting weeds.
Other Conditions
- The Contractor shall photograph each parcel with a digital camera (as directed by the Cambria Fire Department) before and after abatement. Pictures shall be taken from the same spot, incorporating the same view. The before and after pictures shall include all flagged vegetation. Pictures shall include the date and the Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) on the picture. All pictures will be labeled using the Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) and the letters B or A, to indicate before (B) or after (A) clearance. The Contractor shall provide a digital photo file in a .jpg format which is compatible with CCSD software (thumb drive, etc.).
- All internal combustion powered equipment shall have approved and functional spark arresters on the exhaust.
- A fire extinguisher (ABC type) of at least five (5) pounds capacity shall be immediately available at the work site. A minimum of two and one half (2½) gallons of water must be available for vegetation fire extinguishment at all times by portable means. Examples are a pressurized water extinguisher, Hudson type pump sprayer or back-pump.
- All abatement work assigned to the CCSD Contractor shall begin no later than July 26, 2024 and must be completed August 26, 2024.
- All parcels shall be completely abated as prescribed to the property line, street and adjoining easements.
- ALL MATERIAL FROM ALL PARCELS SHALL BE HAULED AWAY OR APPROVAL WILL BE DENIED, however tree limbs/rounds should not be removed from the Cambria area due to Pine Pitch Canker control requirements.
Request for Proposal Deadline
Request for Proposal (RFP) Deadline: May 2, 2024, at 12:00 p.m., PST. A complete Proposal may be submitted in the following ways:
- Email:
- Website submission:
- United States Postal Service to Cambria Fire Department, Attention: Michael Burkey, 2850 Burton Drive, Cambria, CA 93428
- Deliver to Cambria CSD Fire Department, 2850 Burton Drive, Cambria, CA 93428
- Deliver to CCSD, 1316 Tamsen Street, Suite 201, Cambria, CA 93428
Proposals not meeting all the standards and requirements will not be considered.
Any questions, requests for further information and/or clarification of the Request for Proposal (RFP) can be sent to Michael Burkey, Fire Chief, (805) 927-6240 or (805) 635-5982 or