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District Project Updates

Updated 7/20/2024
CORE AREA: Water Services - General
STRATEGIC GOAL: Meet the Ongoing Challenges of Effectively and Reliably Managing Water Resources in our Sensitive Ecosystem

Implement the Water Meter Replacement Program

A project mobilization meeting was held in late June to organize billing integration and automatic data transfer between Badger Meter, Inc. and Tyler Technologies. 1,700 water meter registers have been delivered. Water staff have created a list of properties for the first batch of installations, which will be done in-house.

Complete the Stuart Street Tank Construction

On April 15, 2024, the staff gave a presentation to the Resources and Infrastructure Committee on the updates to the project.

Permanent Replacement of San Simeon Water Line & Effluent Line

On April 15, 2024, the staff gave a project update presentation to the Resources and Infrastructure Committee.

Research Long-Term Water Supply & Storage Solutions

R&I revitalized the Ad Hoc Committee consisting of Mr. Webb & Mr. Williams. The Ad Hoc Committee provided a thorough report at the R&I Committee meeting, and President Dean will provide the report at a board meeting.

CORE AREA: Water Services – Water Reclamation Facility
STRATEGIC GOAL: Advance Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to Achieve County and Coastal Commission Approval

Resolve the Brine Waste Disposal Issue

Staff is in the process of scheduling a pilot program based on an alternative analysis for the Zero Liquid Discharge Program.

Zero Liquid Discharge Program

The construction of the mobile unit for the ZLD pilot is well underway. The initial target for completion of the mobile unit is October 2024. During the month, staff met with Global Water Innovations and a consultant from Trevi Water Systems. Site evaluation detailing the location of the unit's components, including electrical and water plumbing, was determined. The staff is working with County Planning for the Substantial Conformance Determination concerning the temporary pilot run.

Complete the Instream Flow Study Task 1 & 2 to Include Van Gordon Creek

The IFS is a detailed and comprehensive study incorporating years of data collection and analysis. While this study has taken many years and is near completion, a few final studies are still needed. One of these studies concentrates on the Van Gordon Creek/Warren assessments (IFS Task II) and concerns regarding potential impacts. These assessments will take place in June, as illustrated in the proposed project schedule below. We are in the final stages of data gathering and compiling all components. The completion of the study is still ongoing. We are meeting all expectations for the document to be delivered before October.

AMP monitoring is ongoing. Per the methods described in the AMP, quarterly surveys are conducted at eight (8) survey sites to collect data and describe survey conditions, habitats, stream flows, surface water quality, 9P7 soil moisture, and observed species. We are currently in the wet season, and a quarterly AMP survey will be taking place during the month of May. We look forward to having a completed report in June.

Complete the Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Application

We are pleased to announce that the Board has officially approved staff’s final draft of the Project Description for the Coastal Development Permit Application for the Water Reclamation Facility to the County of San Luis Obispo. This significant milestone marks a crucial step in our ongoing efforts to achieve a permanent Coastal Development Permit.  We thank everyone who participated in the planning and approval process, including community members, consultants, regulatory agencies, and our CCSD Board. The input and support have been invaluable in shaping a plan that reflects our shared vision for a sustainable and resilient Cambria. As we move forward with the permitting process, we remain committed to maintaining open lines of communication with the community

We are making significant strides in getting the Coastal Development Permit for the Water Reclamation Facility submittal ready after the Board approved our final draft, which is crucial for our sustainable water future. 

CORE AREA: Wastewater Service
STRATEGIC GOAL: Execute Phased Repairs and Upgrades for the Wastewater Treatment System

Monitor project expenditures and performance during the construction phase

Ongoing monthly review of project expenditures with the Utilities Department Manager, Wastewater Systems Superintendent, and Water Systems Superintendent. 

Revise any District Policies or Procedures to incorporate findings, as appropriate based on learnings from tracking project

Future objective.

Establish priorities and an implementation plan for CIP wastewater projects not in the SST

Second Quarter 2024.

Define the extent of repairs needed to reduce the inflow and infiltration

Second Quarter 2025.

CORE AREA: Fire Protection and Emergency Services
STRATEGIC GOAL: Provide Optimal Fire Protection, Water Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services on a 24/7 Basis

Update the CCSD Board on any and all changes to evacuation planning within the District

A letter was reviewed and approved by the Board on 7/13/2023. The letter was mailed to the property owners. The CCSD is still engaging in dialogue with the property owners. 

Prepare and provide to the Board a Fire Prevention Plan for Cambria for Board consideration

On Thursday, July 11, 2024, Fire Chief Michael Burkey provided the CCSD Board of Directors with an update on the Countywide Evacuation Plan and Cambria's Fire Prevention Plan and answered questions regarding the evacuation assistance form. This form is crucial for those who may need extra help during an evacuation, ensuring that everyone receives the necessary support.

We encourage all community members to listen to the recording on the website. Your safety is our top priority, and being informed and prepared is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

The Evacuation Assistance Program is for independent-living individuals in San Luis Obispo County with disabilities or medical needs who would need assistance evacuating in an emergency.  Individuals on the list should still make evacuation plans, if possible, with family, friends, and/or neighbors because first responders will not be able to help as quickly as family, friends, and/or neighbors can. Eligible individuals are those who are independent living but unable to evacuate themselves due to a disability or medical need. Please do not wait until an evacuation order is issued. If you would like to be added to the Evacuation Assistance List, please complete and mail in an Evacuation Assistance Card by visiting

Report on the progress of implementing the Zonehaven System and the emergency alert system

In an effort to continue and clarify our evacuation and emergency preparedness conversation, it is crucial to address the importance of being prepared for emergencies and potential evacuations. While our emergency responders are dedicated to assisting you during these critical times, it is important to understand that the ultimate responsibility for your safety lies with you.

Every individual must take proactive steps to ensure they are prepared and ready to evacuate if necessary. This includes having an emergency plan, packing a go-bag with essential items, and staying informed about current situations through reliable sources.

Please be aware that our assistance is dependent on the availability of resources, and we cannot guarantee aid to everyone during an emergency. Therefore, it is imperative that each person and family prepares adequately to protect themselves.

Your safety is our top priority, and we are here to support you to the best of our abilities. However, in an emergency, the best way to ensure your safety is to be prepared and take immediate action when necessary.

For the most up-to-date information on emergency preparedness, please visit

Note: The Evacuation Assistance program is designed for individuals who are independently living but unable to evacuate themselves during an emergency due to a disability or medical need.  Individuals on the list must still make evacuation plans, if possible, with family, friends, and/or neighbors because first responders will not be able to help as quickly as family, friends, and/or neighbors can.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

The Cambria Fire Department crews are handing out magnets to citizens when appropriate on calls, etc.  The public is encouraged to stop by the fire station to pick up a magnet or come to the "Meet the Fire Chief." 

Be prepared for the next natural disaster by KNOWING YOUR ZONE. Know Your Zone in 5 Easy Steps:

  1. Visit – type your address in the search bar or use your current address. 
  2. Click on the highlighted zone and locate the number listed in the zone description panel. 
  3. Write your zone down and place it somewhere easily accessible by everyone in your house. 
  4. Click on Subscribe to Alerts to stay updated in case of an emergency.
  5. Explore the information provided in your zone's description panel and bookmark any useful links provided. 

Cambrians are encouraged to download the Genasys Protect application on your smartphone, enter your address, and save your zone.  If you need more information, or if you are having trouble downloading the application or need assistance locating your Zone, please contact Fire Chief Burkey or come to the "Meet the Fire Chief." 

Identify training resources needed to meet State & Federal mandates for emergency personnel

Second Quarter 2024.

CORE AREA: Facilities & Resources
STRATEGIC GOAL: Manage and Provide Stewardship of District Assets, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space in a Timely, Cost-Effective, and Environmentally Sensitive Manner

Define future use and funding for the Veterans’ Hall

On October 19, 2023, the Board of Directors received the Ad Hoc Committee report on future use and funding for the Veterans' Hall.

Complete Cambria Skatepark Project

A construction permit will be submitted to the SLO County Department of Planning and Building in August. Section 106 efforts have been completed, and no historic properties have been identified. Per the consultation results, the Northern Chumash Tribal Council has requested Native American monitoring. 

Complete the East Ranch Restroom Project

The Public Restroom Company has provided an anticipated building delivery date of late January. Staff is currently seeking bids for the site preparation and building installation work.

Present updated Community Park Plan to the Board of Directors

Fourth Quarter 2024.

Develop a Management Plan for CCSD-Owned undeveloped parcels

Fourth Quarter 2024.


Status of the Wastewater SST Project

Mrs. Dodson created a Wastewater SST Project information page on the website. It is available here:

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